- Install and play mos0.963 -

- mos0.963 (Master of States version 0.963) manual -

mos0.963 is a shell script ( similar to DOS prompt batch file for Windows ) which works in a bash shell of Linux or maybe of UNIX or Mac OS X. Then to use this script you need Linux.
I suppose you have Linux in your computer and you are in the bash shell terminal of Linux now.  (almost all shell terminals of Linuxes have "bash" as a shell in default setting)

(There are many kinds of Linux (they are called distributions).  In any cases installations of them (except for Ubuntu) are not easy.  To tell the truth, I have erased Windows once while I tried to install a Linux distribution.  Then when I tried my game on Ubuntu, it did not work.  Because it does not support the color mode of the terminal in default setting. It is possible that you change the setting to use color mode in Ubuntu, however I do not know how you can do it.  I am sorry but all I can do is to open my script game.  It means that it is impossible for me to guarantee the function of my script game in all kinds of distribution. (If someone has an information to work color mode in Ubuntu, please infrom me of it by e-mail) When you choose a distribution other than Ubuntu I recommend you that you make a backup of important Windows data before the Linux installation.)

- Install mos0.963 and other referred files by mos0.963 -

1) down load mos0.963.tar.gz from http://asunarokingdom.web.fc2/   to your home directory.
(The time stamp of the original version must be 2013/06/23 4:39  (time stamp of the file on the server is 2013/06/28 4:42.  Sorry I did not examine the stamp of the uploaded file. ) and the file size must be 909.2KB on Linux and 910KB on Windows.  If someone has a file having the same version name and a different time stamp, it may have been modified. Please inform the original time stamp for your friends. It might be a pirated edition havig a virus.)

If you click the above line, the file will be downloaded to home (this is expressed by "~" character in the prompt) or Download or Desktop. (directories under your home directory).  Sorry but I can not test the downloading because my Linux machine has been beavily cracked.  The content of this web site has been uploaded by my Windows machine which has been also cracked.

Type the following to move this file from Download directory to your home directory  (note: mark, " $" indicates a shell prompt. The cursor where you start an input must be at the right of it)
$ mv Download/mos0.963.tar.gz ./

2) Decompress mos0.963.tar.gz. (refer to gunzip.png) copy all files under your home directory.

- “gunzip” -

To decompress mos0.963 type the following.
$ gunzip -v mos0.963.tar.gz

- “tar” -

To extract files from mos0.963.tar type the following.(command-line2-2) (refer to tar.png)

$ tar xvf mos0.963.tar  (command-line2-2) 

Options of command-line2-2, “xvf” means extracting an archive file, mos0.963 showing information of process.

3) Edit “.bashrc” to add a following line at a blank line in “.bashrc”.

PATH=$PATH:$HOME/scripts/data:$HOME/scripts/bin (refer to manual.bash.png)

If gedit does not show you .bashrc (a hidden file because its first character is ".") in the file list to open, open "home" folder in the

Desktop, then make it visible by check "Show Hidden Files" menu in View pull down menu list.  Then open .bashrc by click on "Open"

menu in the top of the option list which appeared by right click on its file icon. (Sorry because of no image. Function of "print screen"

of my computer seems broken.)

Type the following to move to a now directory, "scripts/bin" which is a directory named "bin" under a diretory named "scripts".

$ cd scripts/bin

Type as follows to show files in the directory

$ ls

You will have a result as follows:

changeable_intiallizeANSI  mos0.963

Type as follows to make mos0.963 and changeable_intiallizeANSI executable (maybe the color of unexecutable files is black)

$ chmod +x mos0.963

$ chmod +x changeable_inializeANSI

Then type the following to return to your home directory

$ cd ../..

Now type the following command line in your home directory to execute mos0.963.

$ ./mos0.963

If error messages similar to the above one still appeared, in addition to the above measures please type the following according to the content of message.

$ chmod +x ./scripts/data/.usamap_*↲

$ chmod +x ./scripts/data/.cusam*↲

$ chmod +x ./scripts/data/usa_map_source.sh↲

$ chmod +x ./scripts/data/.worldmap↲

$ chmod +x ./scripts/data/.world_map↲

                                                                           OR  ( Please choose the following method for the versions after mos0.981 )

$ chmod +x ./scripts/data/*↲

$ chmod +x ./scripts/data/.*↲

- How to use mos0.963 -

You can study about the United States of America and compare U.S.A. with all other countries in the world.

Open shell terminal and type “mos0.963” in the prompt in the terminal. Then hit the return key. (refer to mos.png)

An application mos0.963 is like a role playing game in which a user plays a role of mos (Master of States) or the Governor of one of five Great States (fictitious states, Pacific State, West-central State, Central State, East State and North-east State. these consists of ten real states of USA). (refer to Pacific.png)

Usage of mos0.963 is very easy. All you have to do is to follow the message of the game.

The prologue stage starts at the head of the game. At this stage the narration explaining the past events is shown. (refer to prolouge1.png prolouge2.png prolouge3.png) (Type “mos0.962 -d” to skip. It is rather long. Type any letter key with “-” after mos0.963 like “mos0.963 -h” to show the option menu.)

Then the first stage of the main part appears. (refer to first_stage_mos.png).

After a user chose one of the Great States he must choose a real state in the Great State to become the Governor of it. Then mos0.963 asks him about the name of the capital of the state (refer to quiz_Alaska.png) after showing it. (refer to Pacific_Alaska.png)

If he answered correctly the quiz, a report on the base state is submitted to the player. (refer to base_state_report.png)

In the next stage the user must answer the places of the all real states in the Great State. (refer to state_place_Hawaii.png)

After managing the second stage, he must answer the name of Mississippi river which is shown in the USA map. (refer to Mississipii.png) then the name of the Mount Mckinley. (refer to Mckinley.png)

According to the course of the game decided by the state he chose first, two out of five quizzes (including the above mentioned two) about the geography of USA appear in this stage. The above explanation is an example of many courses.

At any stage after answering the quiz about the geography of USA, mos0.963 shows him a report on the information of the geography. (refer to river_report.png and mountain_report.png)

The user becomes the representative of the plural Great States by forging an infrastructure master plan of USA and winning other Great State's master plans by referendum if he answers the quizzes correctly. (refer to Area.png)

After quiz of geography he must answer the quiz of comparing with other nations. First one is comparing with Russia's area. (refer to Russia.png) then China's population.

According to the course of the game decided by the state he chose first, two out of five quizzes (including the above mentioned two) of comparing with other nations appear in this stage. The above explanation is an example of many courses.

The game mos0.963 has a function to create the comparing quizzes with any other countries in the world.

At any stage after answering the comparing quiz, mos0.963 shows him a report on the information of the compared Nation. (refer to Russia_report.png and China_report.png)

Finally, he becomes the representative of all the real states of USA to practice the mater plan at the final stage. (refer to final_stage.png)

mos0.981.tar.gz is available now.

CAUTION ( You may use and modify the game, "Master of States", however if you name your modified version of this game the same name as the original version to redistribute, it may be a crime.  Please don't do this because the users can not identify a game they got with the original version )

e-mail     asunarokingdom@yahoo.co.jp

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